Feature Friday

Twitter @mentions and @replies

A couple of the things you may have noticed about Twitter are the mentions and replies. These are 2 important features.
The @mentions is  when someone has tweeted you, or about you; as a business you want to see what people are saying about you, to you and how often.
If it is a question or concern you should address it as soon as possible and create a relationship with that person. You should always respond to @mentions and engage with the person mentioning you [in a positive way of course].

The same applies to @replies, if someone has replied to a comment you have made or question that you, have keep the conversation going and create a relationship.
It is through continued engagement that we create relationships. Remember, people will do business with people they know, like and trust!

You will see @mentions anywhere in the body of the tweet, not necessarily at the beginning of the tweet. If someone sends you a reply and you are not following the user, the reply will not appear on your Home timeline, but in your Mentions timeline, so be sure to check that frequently so you don’t miss any mentions or replies.
All tweets containing your @username can be seen through a link at the top of your Twitter stream under @mentions. Click on link to see all replies made to you, and mentions of your user name.
In the your Twitter home timeline, tweets will have “in reply to” listed next to their timestamp if they are in reply to someone’s tweet.

If there are any features that you would like to see mentioned on Feature Friday, please send us a note and we will add it to our list.
See you next Friday